Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Houston (ISSO)
10080 Synnot Road, Houston, Texas 77478, USA
+1 281 530 2565
Live Darshan
Temple Inauguration
This is the fourth temple of the Shri Swaminarayan Sampraday (I.S.S.O) inaugurated in the USA. It is the first ISSO temple to be created in the new millennium The idol of Lord Harikrishna Maharaj and Radha Krishna Dev are in this temple has been installed by His Holiness 1008 Shri Tejendraprasadji Maharaj with a divine and emotion packed embrace.
Idols worshipped
Almighty Lord Swaminarayan (Principal God of this temple) Lord Harikrishna and Radhakrishna Dev (center seat) Lord Narnarayan Dev (On the left hand side of Harikrishna Maharaj) Lord Laxminarayan Dev (On the Right hand side of Radha Krishna Dev) Deity of Hanuman Dev (On the Right hand side from the main entrance) Deity of Suryanarayan Dev (On the Right hand side from the main entrance) Deity of Ganapati Dev (On the Left hand side from the main entrance) Deity of Shankar Parvati (On the Left hand side from the main entrance)
Date of Installation
Solar Calendar: March 12, 2000
Lunar Calendar: V.S. 2056
Brief History
Satsang in the Houston area began in 1984 with His Holiness 1008 Shri Tejendraprasadji Maharaj’s first visit to Houston and established ISSO Houston. On 1991 in New Jersey Mandir Sabha Yogendra Bhatt was reciting the Bhagwat Geeta and His Holiness discoursed that he would like to build a temple in Houston. To enrich there children with culture, spirituality and devotion. The temple land was bought in 1996 for about $61,000 in the area called Sugarland because 70% of the Asian community lived the South West part of the city the land of bought from the Government. Most of the local community lived and are still living with in a 5-mile radius from the temple. With the divine blessings of Lord Swaminarayan the construction finished on the first week of March 2000. The Shri Swaminarayan Temple in Houston is a divine gift from Akshardham for the devoted followers of this area.
The procession with the divine idols began on 11 March 2000 at West Bellford and Synott Corner. Extraordinary floats were designed for the divine idols, His Holiness as well as Saints. As the procession neared the temple, many devotees danced to the name of Shri Swaminarayan. As the procession got closer, the devotees became immersed in the murti of Shri Swaminarayan. The procession lasted over two hours with the divine presence of Shri Swaminarayan Bhagwan.
The installation ceremony of the idols in the temple was celebrated in the presence of thousands of people from all over USA, UK, Australia and India with great splendor.
After the installation of the idols, His Holiness 1008 Shri Tejendraprasadji Maharaj said to the people of Houston, “I have installed my Great Grandfather in this divine Sinhsan please look after him, he will bless you and fulfill all your desires.”
To this date devotees of all denominations including, Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists come for the divine darshan of Lord Swaminarayan.