Establishing Seat of Acharya

The whole world knows that Bhagwan Shri Swaminarayan has established seat of Acharya in His Dharmkul and has handed over the reins of religion and Sampraday to Acharya. This is also described in the scriptures of our Sampraday. Even today many great people and saints feel divine experience in these other form of Shree Hari, while performing darshan of H.H.Shri Acharya Maharaj. But there are some people who are very much jealous about these and they do not accept even the seat of Acharya. Some of these so called intelligent persons who consider themselves more intelligent than Lord Shri Swaminarayan, constituted Satsang Security Council of 51 members and wrote a booklet in the name of the council in the year 2000. But no one has written the name of the author of this book nor it is declared later on. This council believes that the pious scripture Shikshapatri and footprint image or chakhdi of Shriji Maharaj should be established as Guru of Sampraday. 

By reading this one may feel that these people are trying to advise to Almighty Lord Shri Swaminarayan. But in fact they do not know how difficult it is to perform One Vichsran and only Almighty or His other form can do it and therefore they should not be worried about Satsang. These divine seat of Acharya is established by The Lord Shri Swaminarayan himself and therefore no one can remove it. However, he may be strong. This tradition of the seat of Acharya has continued from the time of Shri Hari and it will continue forever. The doubtful souls can never get anything in their life on the contrary they invite their own destruction.

The most important scripture of our Sampraday is “Shri Satsangi Jivan” which was published with Sanskrit Shlokas in the year 2001 by Ahmedabad Kalupur Temple. In 60th Adhyay of 4th chapter, Suvrat Muni has narrated the whole incident of how the seat of Acharya who has established in the presence of the whole Dharmakul. When all the devotees and Haribhaktas were seating the Sabha then Shri Narayan Muni told Shri Rampratap and Iccharam that I am granted right by our guru Shri Ramanand Swami and now it is may desire that the reins of the dharma should be continued in our Dharmakul. So whom do you want to give me for this purpose. Listening to this Rampratapbhai and Iccharambhai showed their willingness to render the services of all their sons. Then Shri Hari asked for Ayodhyaprasad and Raghuvir and they were adopted as sons through the Vedic rituals.

Thereafter Shri Hari stated that many temples of Lord Shri Krishna are built under him. one of them is in Shrinagar (Ahmedabad) and another one is in Vadtal. At Ahmedabad there is temple of Lords Narnarayan dev and at Vadtal there is temple of Shri Laxminarayan and accordingly there will be Two Desh – one known as Shri Narnarayandev Desh vibhag and Shri Laxminarayandev Desh vibhag. All the earnings and the offerings for religion will be offered to the Lord Shri Laxminarayan. Then Shri Hari went to Sukanand Muni and got two booklets (Desh Vibhag Lekh) written from him wherein all the meanings are explained in detail.

In this way Lord Shri Swaminarayan himself established Shri Ayodhyaprashad, as Acharya of Shri Narnarayan Dev Desh and Shri Raghuvir as Acharya of Shri Laxminarayan Dev Desh. Similarly Shri Hari has established wives of both these Acharyas as guru of ladies devotees.

Therefore all the devotees and haribhaktas should worship them as Acharya and should offer their services to Acharya Maharaj and in the end they will get a place in Akashardham.

- Gordhanbhai V. Sitapara (Hirawadi – Bapunagar)